Demonstration events

UK Wheat Farmers Participatory Field Trial Open Days

We would like to invite you to the UK Field Days of Wheat Farmers Participatory Field Trial, organized by Newcastle University, LC Smales & Son Ltd and the ECOBREED project. The event will take place on July 6, 2021, and July 8th, 2021, at two sites in Northumberland (Thornton Farm and Gilchesters Organics). Please see the invitations below.




The Hungarian Field Day dedicated to diversification in biological resources and agrotechnics for sustainability

We would like to invite you to the Field Day dedicated to diversification in biological resources and agrotechnics for sustainability. The field day is a co-event of several H2020 projects, including ECOBREED. The event will take place in Hungary (József Attila u. 066. hrsz., Szár, 2066) on 22 June 2021. To get more information about the event and registration, see the invitation attached bellow.

Tisztelettel meghívjuk a 2021. június 22-én tartandó a diverzifikált biológiai alapok és agrotechnikák a fenntarthatóság jegyében szervezett Szántóföldi Szakmai Napra. A rendezvény több EU H2020 projekt, köztük az ECOBREED projekt közös bemutatója. Helyszíne: 2066, Szár, József Attila u. 066. hrsz. További információ a rendezvényről és a regisztrációról a csatolt meghívóban található.



The Field Day of Wheat Farmers Participatory Field Trial is here!

We would like to invite you to the Field Day of Wheat Farmers Participatory Field Trial, organized by Universität für Bodenkultur Wien and the ECOBREED project. The event will take place at on June 15, 2021, at two sites in the Weinviertel (i.e. Aspersdorf and Starnwörth). Please, see the invitation below. In case you are interested in attending the event, please register via email The number of participants is limited to 15 per site; registration should be done by June 14.

Am Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021, findet die Besichtigung der Weizen-Sortenversuche des Ecobreed Projektes statt. Veranstalter: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien. Ort: Aspersdorf bei Hollabrunn und Starnwörth (siehe Programmlink unterhalb). Anmeldungen bis 14. Juni 2021 unter



The Field Day of Wheat Breeding for farmers is here!

We would like to invite all interested farmers to the Field Day of Wheat Breeding, organized by the SECOBRA Saatzucht GmbH, the Naturland e.V. and the ECOBREED project. The event with an opportunity to see an extensive variety of wheat will take place in Feldkirchen 3, 85368 Moosburg a. d. Isar, Germany on June 17, 2021. To get more information about event and registration, see the invitation attached bellow. The registration should be done by June 10th.

Am Donnerstag, den 17.06.2021, findet bei der SECOBRA Saatzucht GmbH in Feldkirchen ein Öko-Feldtag statt. Zusammen mit Naturland werden die Feldversuche des Ecobreed-Projeks vorgestellt. Interessierte Landwirte können eine Vielzahl an Weizensorten für den ökologischen Landbau im Feld sehen. Dazu laden wir herzlich ein.



The Field Day of Soya Farmers Participatory Field Trial is here!

We would like to invite you to the Field Day of Soya Farmers Participatory Field Trial, organized by the Naturland e.V. and the ECOBREED project. The event will take place at Florian Jobst, 84164 Moosthenning, Germany on Avgust 19, 2021. Please, see the invitation bellow. In case you are interested in attending the event, please register register yourself via email The registration should be done by Avgust 17th.

Am Donnerstag, 19.08.2021, 17:30 Uhr, findet die Besichtigung der Soja-Sortenversuche des Ecobreed Projektes statt. Veranstalter: Naturland e.V. Ort: Florian Jobst, 84164 Moosthenning. Anmeldungen bis 17.08.2021 unter



Organic potato production field day

We would like to invite you to the Organic potato production field day, organized by the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia and the ECOBREED project. The event will take place at Infrastrukturni Center Jablje, Grajska cesta 1,  1234 Mengeš, Slovenia on July 22, 2020.
