Invitation to the symposium

We would like to invite you to the event that will take place between 24.6. – 25.6.2021: How to heal the Czech agriculture? 🌱  Symposium for all the farmers, consumers, academic workers or activists. You can look forward to workshops, presentation and discussion on the following topics: ✅ biodynamic and organic agriculture, ✅ community supported […]

We would like to invite you to the event that will take place between 24.6. – 25.6.2021: How to heal the Czech agriculture? 🌱  Symposium for all the farmers, consumers, academic workers or activists.

You can look forward to workshops, presentation and discussion on the following topics:

✅ biodynamic and organic agriculture,

✅ community supported agriculture,

✅ education in organic agriculture,

✅ city farming,

✅ access to land,

✅ market with organic products.

Czech partners Crop Research Institute and PRO BIO obchodní spol. s r.o. are among the organisers of the symposium.

You can check more information about the event here Katalog odrůd_ECOBREED_červen_21_v3 and on the following link:


Jak uzdravit naše zemědělství? 🌱 Symposium pro všechny zemědělce, spotřebitele, akademiky i aktivisty.

Těšit se můžete na workshopy, přednášky a diskuze na témata:

✅ biodynamické a ekologické zemědělství,

✅ komunitní způsoby hospodaření,

✅ vzdělávání v ekologickém zemědělství,

✅ městské hospodaření,

✅ přístup k půdě,

✅ trh s bio produkty.

Pozvání: Katalog odrůd_ECOBREED_červen_21_v3.