Demonstration event on participatory plant breeding and organic management, Slovakia

Event date: 6-7 June 2023

NPPC is inviting you to their demonstration event on participatory plant breeding and organic management. The event will take place between 6 and 7 June 2023 in the VŠPP SPU in Oponice, Slovakia. To get more information about the event and registration, see the invitation attached below. NPPC vás pozýva na svoje demonštračnú akciu o […]

NPPC is inviting you to their demonstration event on participatory plant breeding and organic management. The event will take place between 6 and 7 June 2023 in the VŠPP SPU in Oponice, Slovakia. To get more information about the event and registration, see the invitation attached below.

NPPC vás pozýva na svoje demonštračnú akciu o participatívnom šľachtení rastlín a manažmentu ekologického poľnohospodárstva. Podujatie sa uskutoční v dňoch 6. – 7. júna 2023 na VŠPP SPU v Oponiciach. Viac informácií o podujatí a registráciu nájdete v nižšie priloženej pozvánke.