Training day for buckwheat in Soběkury, Czech Republic

Event date: 30 August 2022

Crop Research Institute cordially invites you to the training day for buckwheat, which will be held on Tuesday 30 August 2022 in Soběkury. There you will be able to get acquainted with 12 varieties of common and Tartary buckwheat from all over Europe and discuss the profitability of organic buckwheat production with other participants and […]

Crop Research Institute cordially invites you to the training day for buckwheat, which will be held on Tuesday 30 August 2022 in Soběkury. There you will be able to get acquainted with 12 varieties of common and Tartary buckwheat from all over Europe and discuss the profitability of organic buckwheat production with other participants and representatives of the ECOBREED project.

Srdečně vás zveme na ukázkový den pohanky, který se bude konat v úterý 30. srpna 2022 v Soběkurech. Na něm se budete moci seznámit s 12 odrůdami pohanky obecné a tatarské z celé Evropy a diskutovat o rentabilitě ekologické produkce pohanky s ostatními účastníky a zástupci projektu ECOBREED.