Crop Research Institute attended the nationwide action Noc vědců (European Researchers’ Night) under the slogan “Sustainably for the planet”. More than 100 scientific workplaces including universities and research institutes in the Czech Republic took part in this scientific fest. The main aim of this action is to bring science to the general public. Buckwheat organic plant breeding attracted lots of visitors, who choose to visit the National Muzeum of Agriculture in Prague as one of the 15 spots powered by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.
European Researchers’ Night in Prague
Crop Research Institute attended the nationwide action Noc vědců (European Researchers’ Night) under the slogan “Sustainably for the planet”. More than 100 scientific workplaces including universities and research institutes in the Czech Republic took part in this scientific fest. The main aim of this action is to bring science to the general public. Buckwheat organic […]