Durum wheat: sustainable and innovative genetic improvement

Dear farmers, breeders and processors, In AgroNotize, online magazine, you can read an article about the progress of the sustainable and genetic improvement of the durum wheat reached by ECOBREED partner Università degli studi della Tuscia – Viterbo. You can read the article here: https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/vivaismo-e-sementi/2020/05/20/frumento-duro-miglioramento-genetico-sostenibile-e-innovativo/66908?fbclid=IwAR2UCnLjVvCcWVFUZQqBvQGtQn1cEcNxVL7cVJiyJlbHV-3DrwuxYsoyQ8A.

Dear farmers, breeders and processors,

In AgroNotize, online magazine, you can read an article about the progress of the sustainable and genetic improvement of the durum wheat reached by ECOBREED partner Università degli studi della Tuscia – Viterbo. You can read the article here: https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/vivaismo-e-sementi/2020/05/20/frumento-duro-miglioramento-genetico-sostenibile-e-innovativo/66908?fbclid=IwAR2UCnLjVvCcWVFUZQqBvQGtQn1cEcNxVL7cVJiyJlbHV-3DrwuxYsoyQ8A.