The Slovenian-Bavarian Scientific Forum

As part of the Slovenian-Bavarian intergovernmental cooperation, between May 27 & 28, 2021, the Slovenian-Bavarian Scientific Forum will be held under the organization of Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (BAYHOST). The purpose of the event is to strengthen scientific cooperation and enable […]

As part of the Slovenian-Bavarian intergovernmental cooperation, between May 27 & 28, 2021, the Slovenian-Bavarian Scientific Forum will be held under the organization of Slovene Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (BAYHOST). The purpose of the event is to strengthen scientific cooperation and enable the establishment of new contacts between interested institutions and researchers.

We are proud that the ECOBREED project is part of the opening plenary session. The project will be presented by Dr Vladimir Meglič, project coordinator and Werner Vogt-Kaute, representative of the German partner NATURLAND e.V.

More info, registration, and programme:



V okviru Slovensko-bavarskega medvladnega sodelovanja, bo med 27. in 28. 5. 2021 potekal Slovensko-bavarski znanstveni forum v organizaciji Ministrstva za izobraževanje, znanost in šport in Bavarskega akademskega centra za Srednjo, Vzhodno in Jugovzhodno Evropo (BAYHOST). Namen dogodka je okrepiti znanstveno sodelovanje in omogočiti vzpostavljanje novih stikov med zainteresiranimi institucijami in raziskovalci.

Ponosni smo, da je projekt ECOBREED del uvodnih plenarnih predavanj. Projekt bosta predstavila dr. Vladimir Meglič, koordinator projekta in Werner Vogt-Kaute, predstavnik Nemškega partnerja NATURLAND e.V.

Program Slovensko-bavarskega znanstvenega foruma 2021

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