Field Day of Wheat Breeding in Malý Šariš, Slovakia

Event date: 3 June 2022

The Field Day of Wheat Breeding for farmers is here! We would like to invite all interested farmers to the Field Day of Wheat Breeding oriented to the phenotyping and plant breeding of organic varieties. The event is being organized by the Research Institute of Plant Production – Research Breeding Station, company Biomila, spol. s. […]

The Field Day of Wheat Breeding for farmers is here!

We would like to invite all interested farmers to the Field Day of Wheat Breeding oriented to the phenotyping and plant breeding of organic varieties. The event is being organized by the Research Institute of Plant Production – Research Breeding Station, company Biomila, spol. s. r.o  and the ECOBREED project.

Place: on NPPC – VÚRV experimental fields RBS in Malý Šariš

To get more information about the event and registration, see the invitation attached below.


Poľný deň šľachtenia pšenice pre farmárov je tu!

Dovoľujeme si pozvať všetkých zainteresovaných farmárov na Poľný deň šľachtenia pšenice, ktorý organizuje spoločnosť Národné poľnohospodárske centrum – Výskumný ústav rastlinnej výroby – Výskumno-šľachtiteľská stanica, spoločnosť Biomila spol. s. r.o.  a projekt ECOBREED.

Miesto: na NPPC – pokusné polia VÚRV RBS v Malom Šariši

Viac informácií o podujatí a registrácii nájdete v priloženej pozvánke nižšie.