Peer reviewed articles
- The Diversity of Morphological Traits and Seed Metabolomic Composition in Buckwheat Genetic Resources
- Winter cover cropping in sustainable production systems: Effects on soybean and synergistic implications for rhizosphere microorganisms
- Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) effect for potato tuber yield and their quality traits in organic multi-environment domains in Poland
- Performance of a durum wheat diversity panel under different management systems
- Breeding wheat for organic farming: Can the high grain protein gene Gpc-B1 help to tackle challenges in view of end-use quality?
- Grain characteristics of eleven buckwheat varieties (Fagopyrum spp.) grown under Central European climatic conditions
- Common bunt in organic wheat: unravelling infection characteristics relevant for resistance breeding
- Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) root system response to drought and salt stresses and genetic characterization for root-related traits
- A decade of advances in the study of buckwheat for organic farming and agroecology (2013-2023)
- Selection of Durum Wheat and SSR Markers for Organic Farming in Central Italy Using AMMI Analysis
- High buffering potential of winter wheat composite cross populations to rapidly changing environmental conditions
- Potential of different common (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) and Tartary (Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn.) buckwheat accessions to sustainably manage surrounding weeds
- Integrated use of Consortia-based Microbial Inoculants and Nutrient Complex Stimulates the Rhizosphere Microbiome and Soybean Productivity
- Baking quality of organically grown European winter wheat germplasm in the South-East of Romania
- Early sowing on some soybean genotypes under organic farming conditions
- High-throughput phenotyping for non-destructive estimation of soybean fresh biomass using a machine learning model and temporal UAV data
- Agro-morphological and molecular characterization reveal deep insights in promising genetic diversity and marker-trait associations in Fagopyrum esculentum and Fagopyrum tataricum
- Comparative and population genomics of buckwheat species reveal key determinants of flavor and fertility
- Evaluation of buckwheat genetic resources in Slovenia within the ECOBREED project
- Wheat (Triticum aestivum) chromosome 6D harbours the broad spectrum common bunt resistance gene Bt11
- The biochemical response of soybean cultivars infected by Diaporthe species complex
- Specialized metabolites accumulation pattern in buckwheat is strongly influenced by accession choice and co-existing weeds
- The Content of Total Carotenoids, Vitamin C and Antioxidant Properties of 65 Potato Cultivars Characterised under the European Project ECOBREED
- Susceptibility of the most popular soybean cultivars in south-east Europe to Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid
- Testing the role of allelochemicals in different wheat cultivars to sustainably manage weeds
- Screening soybean germplasm for presence of Cda allele involved in low cadmium accumulation using molecular markers
- Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity of Roots Response to Salt in Durum Wheat Seedlings
- Performance of some Romanian winter wheat cultivars under organic agriculture. II. Bread making quality indices
- Performance of some Romanian winter wheat cultivars under organic agriculture conditions. I. Grain yield.
- Rewiring of the Seed Metabolome during Tartary Buckwheat Domestication
- Diversity in Root Architecture of Durum Wheat at Stem Elongation under Drought Stress
- High-throughput screening of soybean di-nitrogen fixation and seed nitrogen content using spectral sensing
- Weed pressure determines the chemical profile of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its allelochemicals potential
- Late Blight Resistance Conferred by Rpi-Smira2/R8 in Potato Genotypes In Vitro Depends on the Genetic Background
- Bio-Priming of Soybean with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bacillus megaterium: Strategy to Improve Seed Germination and the Initial Seedling Growth
- Rezultate preliminare privind caracterizarea unor soiuri de grâu testate la I.N.C.D.A. Fundulea în sistemul de agricultură ecologică
- The importance of legume genetic resources for breeding
- The Distribution and Sustainable Utilization of Buckwheat Resources under Climate Change in China
- Testing Virulence of Different Species of Insect Associated Fungi against Yellow Mealworm (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Their Potential Growth Stimulation to Maize
- Integrated weed management for sustainable agriculture
- Soybean seed scanning for size, genotype color and Cercospora blight detection
- Resequencing of global Tartary buckwheat accessions reveals multiple domestication events and key loci associated with agronomic traits
- Chlorophyll Fluorescence Kinetics May Be Useful to Identify Early Drought and Irrigation Effects on Photosynthetic Apparatus in Field-Grown Wheat
- Breeding Buckwheat for Nutritional Quality in the Czech Republic
- Bioaugmentation of Entomopathogenic Fungi for Sustainable Agriotes Larvae (Wireworms) Management in Maize
- Strategic enhancement of genetic gain for nutraceutical development in buckwheat: A genomics-driven perspective
- Revisiting the versatile buckwheat: reinvigorating genetic gains through integrated breeding and genomics approach
- Engineered Durum Wheat Germplasm with Multiple Alien Introgressions: Agronomic and Quality Performance
- Fagopyrum esculentum ssp. ancestrale-A Hybrid Species Between Diploid F. cymosum and F. esculentum
- Prediction of Soybean Plant Density Using a Machine Learning Model and Vegetation Indices Extracted from RGB Images Taken with a UAV
- Comparison among Methods and Statistical Software Packages to Analyze Germplasm Genetic Diversity by Means of Codominant Markers
Monographic books
- Proceedings of the 74th Conference of the Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs
- ECOBREED Organic Breeding Conference – Book of Abstracts
- Projekt ECOBREED: Sodelovanje kmetov pri poskusih v Sloveniji v letu 2021
- ECOBREED farmers participatory field trials 2023
- ECOBREED Farmers participatory field trials 2022
- ECOBREED: Diversity of buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) genetic resources
- ECOBREED WP6 Farmers Participatory Field Trials 2021
- Plant breeding for the ‘Green Deal’. Proceedings of the 72nd Conference of the Austrian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Merchants, 22-24 November 2021
- 3rd European Buckwheat Symposium, 14-15 Sep 2021, Book of Abstracts
- Miscellanea of didactic material for the training courses on improved genotyping
Conference proceedings
- Genotypic and phenotypic approaches to select durum wheat accessions adapted to climatic changes and organic agriculture
- The Impact of Accession and Surrounding Weeds on Buckwheat Specialized Metabolites
- Breeding wheat for organic farming
- Uticaj razlicitih gustina odabranih invazivnih korova na prinos semena tri genotipa soje
- EAPR Pathology & Pests Section Meeting, Arras, France
- Sustainable weed management in wheat: exploring the allelopathic potential of different cultivars
- Book of Abstracts, XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases
- ECOBREED contributions to the World Soybean Research Conference 11. Soybean Research for Sustainable Development
- Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Conference, 21-23 November 2022, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning, Austria.
- EUCARPIA Cereal Section Conference 2023, Contributions from ECOBREED project
- SoilAgroIT 2022. Book of abstracts, soilagroit 2022, soil in the age of precision agriculture and information technology
- 28th Hungarian Plant Breeding Conference, Book of abstracts
- Hodnocení pohanky obecné v projektu ECOBREED
- ECOBREED: buscando variedades competitivas para el control de malas hierbas en la agricultura ecológica
- Hyperspectral reflectance as a new phenotyping tool for soybean breeding
- Perennial cereals for organic agriculture
- Selection of durum wheat lines under organic management – Preliminary results
- Estimation of soybean seed protein accumulation by measuring canopy hyperspectral reflectance
- Anbauwürdigkeit von ausdauerndem Weizen in Deutschland
- Common bunt resistance in winter wheat – a cross-chromosome journey
- Preliminary screening of durum wheat breeding lines under organic conditions
- Soybean breeding for organic farming: breeding goals and options
- ECOBREED – Increasing the Efficiency and COmpetitiveness of organic crop BREEDing. A new H2020 project on organic breeding of wheat, potato, soybean and buckwheat
- ECOBREED–increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding
- ECOBREED: Increasing the Efficiency and Competitiveness of Organic Crop Breeding
- ECOBREED – increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding
- Nutritional characteristics of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Möench) genetic resources
- Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding (ECOBREED) – The potato case
- EU-Projekt ECOBREED beendet
- Linee innovative di grano duro bio: i risultati di Ecobreed
- ECOBREED: Research for more resilient crops
- Ajda zmore več
- Kältetoleranz von Soja in Feld und Klimakammer
- Potenciál domácích a zahraničních odrůd pšenice ozimé a jarní pro pěstování v ekologickém zemědělství
- Pflanzenzüchtung als Antwort auf den Klimawandel
- Steinbrand bei Weizen – Zeit für konzertierte Maßnahmen
- Potential und Grenzen von mehrjährigem Weizen im ökologischen Landbau
- Večletna pšenica – nova trajnostno naravnana poljščina
- ECOBREED – Zvýšení efektivity a konkurenceschopnosti šlechtění ekologických odrůd
- Potenciál domácích a zahraničních odrůd pšenice ozimé a jarní pro pěstování v ekologickém zemědělství v rámci projektu Ecobreed
- Root system analysis of durum wheat under drought stress using high-throughput phenotyping method
- Finalizují projekt pro ekologické šlechtění
- Mezinárodní projekt ECOBREED a výzkum odolnosti k mazlavým snětím
- Using of broad spectrum resistance genes against P. infestans for breeding new potato cultivars suitable for organic agriculture preliminary results from Ecobreed project
- Farmer Participatory Trials and Breeding in Poland – the results of the project Ecobreed
- Breeding of potatoes suitable for organic conditions in Ecobreed project
- Ziemniak ekologiczny a hodowla odpornościowa – podsumowanie części prac przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu Ecobreed
- Zwiększenie wydajności i konkurencyjności ekologicznej hodowli roślin ECOBREED
- ECOBREED – Zwiększenie wydajności i konkurencyjności ekologicznej hodowli roślin
- Training event on breeding and growing of organic potato
- Training event on breeding and growing of organic potato.
- Gondolatok a hazai bioburgonya termesztésért
- Kvalita odrôd pšeníc testovaných v pokusoch ECOBREED
- Kvalita odrôd pšenice na Slovensku dopestovaná v konvencii – monitoring a v ekológii – projekt ECOBREED v rokoch 2022 a 2023
- Výskum a pestovanie pšenice v podmienkach ekologického poľnohospodárstva – ECOBREED
- Výskum pšenice a pestovanie pšenice v ekologickom poľnohospodárstve-ECOBREED (II)
- Mykotoxíny v ekologickom poľnohospodárstve
- Kvalita odrôd pšenice testovaných v pokusoch ECOBREED
- Význam ekologického šľachtenia-projekt_ECOBREED
- Kvalita odrôd pšenice na Slovensku v rokoch 2022-2023-ECOBREED
- Vzdelávame na akademickej pôde
- Vielfältige Weizenzucht nötig – Umweltkrisen erfordern Anpassung
- Neue resistente Sorten im Öko-Kartoffelanbau?
- Biozüchtung: neue Sorten für den Ackerbau
- Výskum a pestovanie pšenice v ekologickom poľnohospodárstve – ECOBREED (I.)
- Projekat ECOBREED iz ugla poljoprivrednog proizvođača
- Durum wheat root system response to abiotic stress
- ECOBREED – Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding – Field Day and findings to date
- From potatoes to mob grazing, it’s all on trial at Nafferton Farm
- BIO burgonya termesztés
- Common bunt in winter wheat – Identification and integration of genetic resources for resistance breeding
- Testando el potencial alelopático de diferentes cultivos (trigo, arroz y cebada) para el manejo sostenible de malas hierbas
- Organic breeding and quality of wheat in the ECOBREED project
- Die Rückkehr des Weizensteinbrands. Inform – zeitschrift für pflanzenzüchtung und saatgutproduktion
- Preučevanje odpornosti krompirja (Solanum tuberosum) proti krompirjevi plesni (Phytophthora infestans), posredovane Z genom Rpi-Smira2
- Opomíjené obilniny se hlásí o slovo
- The content of pro-health compounds and antioxidant properties of 65 potato cultivars characterized under the European project Ecobreed
- Suitability of soybeans for organic production in varietal macroviews
- Berichte aus den Naturland Forschungsprojekten. 8. ECOBREED
- Die Relevanz der Sortenmerkmale
- An den Klimawandel besser angepasst
- ECOBREED WP2 – Ergebnisse Winterweizen
- Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) assessment of weed competitive ability using weed competitor and naturally weed-infested method (v 1.0)
- Efektívnosť pestovania pšenice ozimnej v konvenčnej a ekologickej výrobe v Slovinsku
- Response variation to salt and drought stress among durum wheat genotypes at seedling stage
- Az ökológia kalászos gabona nemesítés elmélete és gyakorlata Martonvásáron
- Research projects of Agricultural Institute of Slovenia for the support of organic seeds production and breeding activities
- Partial results of the project ‘Increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of organic crop breeding’
- Zwiększenie wydajności i konkurencyjności ekologicznej hodowli roślin
- Program ekološkega žlahtnjenja sort krompirja na Kmetijskem inštitutu Slovenije v okviru projekta ECOBREED
- Ekologické pestovanie sóje v Srbsku
- Pěstování pohanky seté přispívá k zpřístupnění fosforu v půdě
- Efficacy of selected bioinsecticides against Colorado potato beetle
- Frumento duro: miglioramento genetico sostenibile e innovativo
- Allelopathic interference of wheat crop root exudates on germination, seedling growth and leaf chlorophyll attributes of purslane and annual ryegrass
- Význam odrůdy v EZ
- Digibreed Optimizing Genomics Assisted Selection
- CAS Newsletter
- Povečanje učinkovitosti in konkurenčnosti ekološkega žlahtnjenja
- Put od nauke do prakse: Aktuelna naučna istraživanja na soji
- Psenice 2020 seminar final
- Projekt ECOBREED
- Markergestützte Selektion auf Steinbrand-Resistenz in Weizen
- Markergestütze Selektion auf Steinbrandresistenz bei Winterweizen für den ökologischen Landbau
- EU-projekt zur Verbesserung der Öko-Pflanzenzüchtung